A Normal Day
Many got up this morning prepared for their day just as any other day. Perhaps your morning routine was preparing for your work day, getting kids ready for school, tending pets needs, or whatever else is normal in your average morning activities.
Then perhaps you leave your dwelling and head off to work or maybe you work from home. Thoughts of things you need to accomplish are running through your mind, you may think of needing to make a stop at a store for some items or fuel for your vehicle.
As the beginnings of your day progress the thoughts continue to add up until your mind becomes cluttered with the mundane or even the very important. Your thoughts are filled with how your time will be occupied during your waking hours.
You may have worries, or you may be excited about the upcoming hours. Either way your day has begun and your mind has already been cluttered with the noise that is life.
Let me ask you this, did you begin your morning with prayer? Did God have a place in the beginning of your day? When we contemplate this question, we come to a realization of what holds the priority in our life.
If God was not the foremost important part of our conscious thoughts then we have already begun to fail and Satan has already started to gain another victory over us.
Dear friends, if we do not begin our day in prayer, the first understanding we must realize is that we have a lot of growth we must accomplish in our Christian life. I have included the following Scriptures in several of my writings and they greatly apply here.
The Scripture says “And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.” Romans 12:2, and “Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.” Colossians 3:2
I want to share some personal experience, I have experienced many immense spiritual events in my life. Some were born through loss and some through growth… well, I guess they were all growth but there was some difference.
There is a portion of a hymn that means so very much to me because it marks a huge transition in my Christian life. The verse says “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face, and the things of earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His Glory and Grace.” I was saved at 35, but almost 30 years later, I finally experienced the “New Creature”.
I’m not a music guy and never have been, yet when the Holy Spirit spoke to me that fateful morning about 2 years ago, this hymn rang in my mind and a wonderful revelation came.
Since that day all of my desire has been to serve the Lord in a manner that would be pleasing to Him. This is what I do every day:
I wake up with God or His Word on my mind. I pray in the morning and most days many times throughout the day. I talk with God and contemplate the Word continuously. This is my life and honestly, I would rather be called to Heaven than for this to stop.
I can honestly tell you that beginning your day with God as the foremost important thing in your mind is in fact a life-changing event! Oh, I still have the usual activities: land to tend, equipment to maintain, animals to tend, a wife and family responsibilities, and the other general issues of life, but it is all different now that I have dedicated my life fully to the Lord.
Dedicating your life to serving the Lord is, in my experience, the most unbelievable Blessing a person can know!
Our Lord is no closer or farther at any time than He is at this very moment in your life. He awaits your complete surrender and when or if that happens, then you will know the true meaning of Joy!
Back to my topic…
As we all, lost or saved, go through our daily lives we must remember this—life will be as normal when the Lord returns.
Everyone will be doing what they do when without any forewarning the trumpet will sound and the Lord appears in the sky to catch up those that belong to Him. In the twinkling of an eye we who are the Lords will be gone!
Matthew 24:37-39 37 But as the days of Noah were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. 38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, 39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Are you ready? I know the world isn’t. This happening will be confusing and catastrophic to the lost, then there will, for most, come the realization of what has happened. At this time, the tribulation will begin and Satan will reign over the earth unrestrained.
How do you begin and end your day? Is it in the presence of God in prayer, or is it being consumed by the world? I listen to a preached message at least once a day and often several a day.
I speak with my best friend and pastor multiple times a week sharing the word of God praising the lord (having Church). Why? Because I am a sinner, I am weak, and I need the strength of God’s Word at all times in everything I do.
I’m not a religious zealot, I am a man born in sin with a sinful nature that loves the Lord my God and wishes to be pleasing to Him.
Are you ready, Brothers and Sisters? If the trumpet sounded right now, where do you stand with God? Would you be caught up in the clouds with the Lord, or would you be left behind?
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord!
I pray that you all have the deepest desire to worship and serve the Lord your God and begin your day in a prayer of repentance and thanksgiving.