Hell-bound Hypochondria

Wait, what? Some of you are thinking, “what in the world does that mean?” We associate hypochondria with the imagined need for medical attention (the mental illness of thinking one is sick all the time to gain attention), but this term is something I came up with to describe the  condition of those people that will believe everything that comes along except the Bible.

These folks are easily swayed with the winds of deception and fall prey to the traps of the great adversary Satan. In today’s time we see this very prevalent in society.

Matthew 8:26  And He said unto them, “Why are ye fearful, O ye of little faith?” Then He arose and rebuked the winds and the sea, and there was a great calm.

We don’t have to look very far to see people who are turning from God and succumbing to evil. Satan promises you something that strongly appeals to you at little or no cost initially but is extremely deceptive with the obligation you are signing up for.

He is very much like one of those music companies that were common in the 60’s through the early 90’s. Remember, you got to choose several popular albums for .99 cents and then they would send you one or two items every month after that, but in fact they would keep sending things you didn’t want and expect you to pay the return shipping.

Satan does the same thing, he puts the fleshly desires you have right in front of you and dangles them like a carrot on a stick just waiting for you to take the bait, but in the end there is an extremely high price to pay.

There won’t be any threatening letters from Satan or threats of eternal lawsuits, but if you haven’t accepted the payment of your debt you will be convicted and sentenced to a prison designed for Satan and his followers.

Why do I call it Hellbound Hypochondria? Because the soul of the lost is sick. It suffers and seeks for that which will heal it, but the mind of the lost looks to self-medicate with the pleasures of the flesh, or anything else it can dream up, in an attempt to satisfy the emptiness of its existence.

Viktor Frankl stated “when a person cannot find a deep sense of meaning, they will distract themselves with pleasure,” and it’s true.

The lost are living a Faustian contract; they satisfy their flesh and live in the desires of their emotions, forsaking the consequences for the temporary pleasure.

Back in the 1800’s there was a popular play that made its way around the country. It was titled “Faust” and was about a man who had a great worldly desire who was met by the devil. 

The devil offered him what he desired in exchange for his signature on a contract that required payment when the provider determined it was due.

Of course the payment required was the man’s soul. The devil wasn’t concerned or even eager to rush his collection of the debt, he just waited till the end and collected. (Hence the term “selling your soul to the Devil”.)

That is exactly what happens. If left to our own devices, we will fall prey to any number of depraved things including pure evil.

During this time the lost soul will seek to gain attention from others through the display of self-gratifying actions, just as a clinical hypochondriac will seek to convince others that they are ill. It is a cry for attention, a great plea for help.

The help is there for the asking but can only be found in the Love, Joy, and Security of a strong relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ through salvation.

Romans 10:13  For “whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”

This must be a cry from the heart, a plea for help, calling to be saved from the torment of eternal damnation.

Allow me to make something perfectly clear, words will not get you into Heaven! Salvation comes from the prompting of the Holy Spirit convicting you of your sin, that you plead earnestly for the Forgiveness and Salvation offered through the blood of Christ. The great blessing is our debt has been paid.

God is the great Physician and Jesus heals the heart of the broken!

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple