More on Pride
Why do I keep writing on Pride? Because pride is a guaranteed separation between man and God! Many people seek fame, they want recognition of and for what they do. This is Pride.
They are seeking to be honored, and there is no humbleness in the seeking of fame! These people want others talking about them. In their minds there is power and authority in fame.
Along with recognition they feel they gain respect just by being noticed. I recently heard about a situation of a couple who were happily married.
The man had a good job that paid well, but the wife thought it was below hi. She also wanted more in her job; anytime a new position came open that was more prestigious, she would take it.
What she had wasn’t enough. She was berating her husband for having a lack of ambition, and at the same time, seeking every avenue to gain her own prestige.
She was Prideful! This overwhelming desire for recognition destroyed their marriage, and in turn, she found that busyness was the only solace she could find.
If she didn’t stay completely busy she would realize she was lonely and that there was a great void in her. Finally, she reached a dead end in her career.
There was no more fame and recognition to be had in what she did, and she was depressed and despondent.
This woman had sacrificed all the good things in her life seeking fame. Her pride had led her down a path of destruction. “Pride goeth before destruction and a haughty spirit before a fall”
The previous situations don’t exist only in the secular world. They take up residence in our churches, too. Church members can become prideful with imagined authority and prestige of position. Yes, even Pastors can fall prey to this deception of Satan.
Have you ever met a prideful Pastor? I have. What about prideful deacons? Have you met any of those? I know some today.
Allow me to interject something here: if the word of God is to be used in truth as it is written, then a Deacon has absolutely no authority in the Church—NONE! A deacon is a servant to the people of the Church.
His duties are to those in need, beginning with helping the Pastor by tending to everything possible to make sure the Pastor has the ability to dedicate his time to prayer and study, ensuring that the search for new members is ongoing and that visitors are not only greeted but that there is follow-up with them, and taking care of the elderly of the church, including the widows and orphans.
Pride has infiltrated our society so profusely that it is easily apparent everywhere. You don’t have to look very far to find some form of Pride.
The internet is full of it—YouTube pages and all the other social media sites are teaming with those seeking fame and prestige! But the Scripture says, “seek ye first the Kingdom of God”!
The fact is that anytime a Christian has even a thought of pridefulness, he or she should be on their knees, begging for forgiveness in repentance!!! I believe pride in a Christian person in this sense is a grievous sin.
If we as Christians find ourselves becoming prideful and it does not bring great shame to our hearts, then we can be assured we have hardened our hearts from sin so much that we have in actuality surrendered to Satan.
For all you who are truly saved, I ask that we pray against pridefulness in our churches and in the hearts of the followers of Jesus Christ.
Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple