Open Eyes

I pray that the Holy Spirit is present in your studies and that the words uttered from your mouth as you minister to others are according to Gods will. That they never fall upon deaf ears and if so, that they are spoken to blow away the chaff. We are told that to whom much is given much is required.

I find myself striving to be the man I so desperately needed in my life as I grew up and to be the man today that is pleasing to our Lord.

I seek to always be an improvement from yesterday and when I fail, it reminds me to cry out to God for help. Lately I have been thinking on the prophets and how many times their words were hated or mocked. But the true teachings of God shall always stand firm.

They were not pleasers of men but spokesmen of the truth of God! I vow to not have any intention of tickling ears but to share and speak my inspirations given by the Word.

I pray that I, you and all those with the desire to teach or preach God’s Holy word be unafraid and bold in the truth. This land has gone far beyond coddling adult children.

We find ourselves in the midst of a full and multi-fronted attack by the adversary of God himself! I’m sickened to see and hear people that call themselves Christians build constant strongholds to keep God and the Word out of portions of their lives.

I feel in my soul that we either have a full commitment to God or none at all. People cannot stand halfway between Heaven and Hell and think somehow we are doing right!

I have heard far too many that claim God’s name say they don’t want God involved in some portion of their lives or imply that somehow a topic is not God’s concern/or He should be excluded from an area. Those folks are lost and I’m afraid will not be recovered.

I wish to have the faith of Daniel and Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego! This is the level of faith I yearn for. We have a promise, and that promise is that the prayers of a righteous man availeth much! So all of God’s children must pray and pray without ceasing.

I love you all and my prayers are always with you and yours.

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple