Preamble to Anger
In preparation for my writing on anger, I have been contemplating what makes me angry. (An exercise I highly recommend) I learned a lot, not just about myself, but how I prioritize things.
This made me realize that I am honestly working within my calling because the few things that earnestly make me angry have a commonality.
Sure I get a little aggravated at other things but not what I would describe as angry. (Righteous anger)
I learned that there are really only two things that make me truly angry and those two things are a lack of teaching and people with no desire to learn.
Believe me, these two contain a broad spectrum of examples. Public education is a huge problem in this country. This so called education system is nothing more than a planned indoctrination organization put together by evil minds to refute the word of God.
Our public school system does not teach, they deceive. For example; there are thousands of scientifically proven examples of the stories contained in the Bible.
The Ark has been found. The location of Sodom and Gomorrah has been found with scientific evidence of intense heat and pure sulfur found at the sites.
Scientists have found a long string of Egyptian chariots and weapons on the bottom of the Red Sea. Recently a tablet discovered from a king containing writings of a war with the Armies of King David. The pool where Jesus Himself performed miracles was excavated and is now being restored in Jerusalem.
The location of Jericho was located with the stone rubble of a Great Wall that had once surrounded the city. Thousands and thousands of documents, tablets, and scrolls have been found or excavated that confirm the scripture. I could go on for days with examples.
On the contrary; did you know that there is not a single viable shred of evidence confirming evolution? Not one! As a matter of fact, there is plenty of proof proving evolution could and did not happen! There is evidence that shows adaptation, but not evolution.
The very evolutionary scale they use to teach evolution is a fabrication. You know the one that shows an ape and then multiple progressions to an upright man. But the only known examples of the creatures on the evolutionary scale are the ape and what is commonly called, Cro-Magnon man, and the modern man.
Many educated genealogists believe Cro-magnon man was a result of inbreeding, common in extremely close societies and secluded tribes. Did you know that the only examples of cro-magnon man were found in a very limited area of Europe? The deformation in skull and bone structure can much easier be explained by inbreeding than it can be presented as established proof of a complete race of man.
So in retrospect the only true examples that exist are that of the ape and that of what the scientists call homo-erectus (modern man). Did you know footprints of modern man have been found in cretaceous rock alongside, and in at least one example, in the tracks of dinosaurs?
Back 40 years ago it was proven that carbon dating was a farce in itself. Carbon dating is speculation at best with no way to prove its accuracy. We know and have positive proof that the dinosaurs existed. We have proof that what we call modern man (in reality just MAN as it has always been) walked with those dinosaurs.
We honestly don’t know how old this earth is, but I know this… there was no life on it until God created it.
So why? Why with all this proof and all those documented evidential items, is it not taught in our so called education systems? Why with all the speculation and great lack of evidence is evolution taught in the so called education systems?
I’ll tell you exactly why… If children were taught the truth about the overwhelming evidence supporting the Word of God, they would be very hard to deceive as they became adults and far more would accept Christ as their Savior! But instead, they are taught lies and deception because that is what serves the principalities and powers of the air. And it serves the spiritual wickedness in high places!
If a child is taught lies, they can be controlled and manipulated, and it then becomes difficult for them to accept the truth when it’s presented to them.
Satan does not want truth taught! The deception benefits his scheme of lies. We all know that if they had any legitimate proof of evolution that proof would be paraded around every institution of learning and every museum around the globe for all to see! They don’t have it. Same goes for the aliens narrative there is no proof or the same would happen. Everyone would have a chance to gaze upon it.
We don’t get the truth in schools or on television. They hide it and stay silent to protect the agenda of the adversary.
I sometimes hear people say “their local schools are good schools.” Really? Do those schools teach the truth? No! They may have decent reading scores and decent math scores overall, but they still teach the lies! Those are not “good” schools by anything but very poor standards.
They have simplified and lowered education down to the lowest common denominator and by doing so have made generations lazy. It’s like a plague of people that are too lazy to learn. Somehow in their minds, the effort to better themselves has no value because they would have to apply themselves to learning truth.
I pray that the truth be revealed for all to see and learn. And that wickedness be drawn out into the light and exposed for what it truly is, Evil!
Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple