A Cheap Dime Store Novel

When I was growing up this term was often used as a derogatory definition of something. A dime store novel was almost always a very short paperback with cheap paper, cheaply printed graphics, and with cheap glue binding it all together.

The books were either cheesy romance novels, a tall tale of the old west, or a poorly imagined science fiction scenario. They had shallow characters and story lines with no depth or substance and were poorly written for the most part.

Let me ask you reader, does this definition describe your Christian life? What about those that see you in your everyday walk? Your coworkers, your friends and family, what about the cashier at the store or the employee you asked for help?

If your car could talk, what would its testimony be concerning the integrity of your walk with Christ Jesus? Would others describe your Christianity as a cheap dime store novel? Are you shallow, giving heed to fits of cursing and anger?

Do you deal fairly with everyone in financial things and judgment issues, even to the point of self-sacrifice? What about that road rage? Can you honestly say you can see and know that you are that “New Creature” that the Bible speaks of?

Let me ask this: if the preacher is preaching on a subject you don’t like, are you one that will get up and walk out? Oh, dear friend, you aren’t walking out on the preacher, you’re walking out on God!

Do you not know that everything about you—your words, your actions, and even your thoughts, are recorded in Heaven?

When you are conceived your name is written in the Book and then every aspect of your life is recorded under your name. Then if you get saved, and I mean really saved, your name is written in the Book of Life and erased from the Book of records used for the White Throne judgment.

Right about now some of you may be thinking “who does this man think he is?” Well, let me tell you exactly who I know that I am.

I am a man who has lived what I am writing. I have been a shallow Christian, and many could testify that my Christianity had no substance for many years, that is who I am. I cannot look down on anyone; I can only speak to what I have seen in myself and in others, all from the perspective of experience!

Dear Brothers and Sisters, there has never been a time in the history of God’s creation that it has been more important for the world to see Christians as an honest reflection of our Lord Jesus Christ! NEVER! This world cannot afford shallow Christianity and false testimonies. This world can no longer survive secular Christians.

We either are who we claim to be, or we aren’t; it really is that simple. Our churches are sparsely populated, and the Word of God is no longer heard in the places it was once commonly heard. Few often mention anything about God or our Lord Jesus.

We were all given a great commission to “go teach, baptize, and teach to the far reaches of the earth”, yet so many that call themselves Christians will never mention Jesus unless somehow they feel it is to their earthly advantage to do so.

This is all a choice, to either serve God or serve yourself. The Scripture says in Matthew 6:24, No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

Will your life story read like one of the great literary works or will it read like that of a cheap dime store novel?

Kenneth Kellar -- A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple