Excluding God
If a man excludes God from any portion of his Life he has failed! Should I not use God’s tenants to determine my behavior in my home? Or how do I conduct myself towards others?
Should Biblical principles not determine how I raise my children and grandchildren or how I treat my wife? How about how we work or how we vote? Should I turn my back to that which is wrong or weigh everything against God’s Holy Word?
If I apply God’s word to anything or principal or topic that happens to be in the political spotlight am I not being a Christian or am I just being political?
If a Christian withholds any aspect of their lives from God and God’s will then the question must be to what end? The only answer can be to serve himself! If a man serves himself then he serves only himself! A man cannot serve two Masters. We either serve God or we don’t!
Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple