The Church
It appears, for some strange reason, that there is some confusion of what the Church actually is. Allow me to try and clarify exactly what “The Church” actually is—the Church is the body of Christ Jesus. All believers, the entirety of those that are saved by the blood of the only begotten Son of God the Father, WE are the Church!
We are those that the Lord God has great expectations of and we are many things, all to benefit and promote the Kingdom of God and spread the good word of a risen Savior.
We are also the battleground between Heaven and Hell! What do I mean? We are and should always be the prayer warriors of God!
We watch the world sinking into the bowels of hell, and much of the reason is because we are not praying against the evil of the world! Evil has permeated every aspect of society to this day and it no longer tries to hide its ugly face under cover of darkness.
I was sent a message late last night that contained a link showing a bureaucratic department of government (the CDC) is now promoting and supporting what I believe to be one of the most heinous abominations to God’s creation that I could ever imagine (transgender men breast feeding babies). I could not even watch the announcement in its entirety because I was becoming so furiously angered that I had to step away!
Ephesians 4:26 tells us to “be angry and sin not!”
When we begin to be angered so much our own wrath begins we must step away and begin to pray. I had quickly become so angry that the Holy Spirit began prompting me to write this commentary just so I might become clear enough in my thinking that I might be able to pray in the will of God! Personally, I blame Christians for the woes of the world.
Yes, you read that correctly! We go to a Sunday service to hear a sermon; maybe some will make it to Sunday school. Still fewer will attend a Wednesday evening service and that is all the time we are willing to give to the Lord.
We make our prayer lists—usually those only contain perceived needs of the church building or possibly the needs of some members of the immediate congregation or families thereof—but we neglect to pray for God’s presence in our government entities and we fail to ask the Lord God to intercede in the affairs of our nation and those elected to run it.
Brothers and Sisters, it is far past due that we as the Church get off our laurels and begin serving the Kingdom of God; we must start serving the Lord! We can no longer remain silent and just be saddened by the happenings of this world.
We must prepare ourselves by putting on the whole armor of God and go to war in prayer against the evil we are witnessing! In James 4 we are told we have not because we do not ask God! It is time we start asking God!!!
I think it’s wise to apply what I call the rule of Paul, when Paul was wronged by the coppersmith he did not ask God for revenge. Paul said “may that man receive the measure of the Lord.” I believe the best we can do is to pray fervently that God cast His eye upon the situation and pour out His measure according to His Will!
This vile thing that the CDC is promoting is an abomination to God! And just as the people prayed and were heard in Heaven over the activities of Sodom and Gomorrah, we must pray that God considers the activities of the CDC concerning the innocent children of our nation!
I beg you Brethren, pray and pray fervently. There is no time to waste!