
This seems to be something many people have a hard time understanding or grasping if you will.

To me it is simple but the world complicates it, why? Well because the complication is deception and deception comes from the Adversary!

I had a man tell me that he had never seen anyone that had such a blind faith as I did and spoke so matter of fact about God. I told him it was because I believed exactly what the Word says and not what man says.

To me the simplistic aspect of Faith is the depth of your belief in the Word of God. Faith the way I understand it, is that the Scripture is <absolute truth, and that is my exact belief, that Faith comes with that understanding! If you firmly believe that the Bible is truly the inerrant Word of God then your Faith will be strong! But if you doubt, then your faith will be weak or even nonexistent!

I recently heard about a pastor that had preached a message and in that message he quoted a scripture (the verse is not important for this example) but after the service a member of the congregation came to the pastor and told him that he did not agree with what the pastor had said and referenced the scripture verse.

Now here is a man that openly goes to the Man God has called to deliver the Word of God to the people, and disagrees with a scripture verse.

This is a foolish act!, that man may not like that this called man read the verse, but his argument is with God not the preacher.

It was the verse he disagreed with, the preacher was the messenger not the Author! The problem with this man was that this scripture interfered with his preferred lifestyle and he didn’t want God interfering in his desires, because in his heart he is more important than God!  This is a perfect example of “oh ye of little faith”.

Confession time, I will be the first to admit that I have not always been who I should be for God! I have been guilty of most things I could point at with others.

I have failed so many times I almost lost hope, but then something miraculous happened. I was humbled. One morning I was busy outside when a revelation came to me, I realized that all the things I had accomplished in this life, (and I can’t emphasize this strongly enough) were useless! Yes useless I had an instant understanding that my service to God was the only effort I could put forth that had any true value! I have in fact spent far too much of my life accomplishing useless tasks and not nearly enough serving God! But after that day’s revelation, I dedicated my self to serving God, my goal is to be a bond servant of our Lord Jesus Christ. In doing so I have experienced more true joy than I have ever known!

The Holy Spirit continuously inspires me and now through the prompting of my dear brother Jeff, I am writing those inspirations down. My Faith has always been strong ever since my salvation, but I did not always have the desire to serve, now that serving is my desire I am constantly inspired by the Holy Spirit.

Let’s get back to Faith. I came to realize that without Faith the armor of God becomes less effective, with no Faith the sword of the Spirit has no edge, the belt of truth will be loose and fall to the ground, the breastplate of righteousness will be weak and ineffective, your feet will not be covered in the Gospel because you don’t truly believe the Word, the shield of faith will be as paper and allow everything to pass through, and the helmet of salvation my be non existent. How is Faith acquired? Belief! Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God!

I recently told a young man to read Psalm 91 every day for a month, and I recommend that to everyone and after that month read it often! Faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of God! If we don’t read the scripture and know the scripture we have little faith and no weapons against the devil!

Faith comes from understanding and learning and service through desire and decision.

We are known by our fruits! Faith is the fertilizer.

I pray that this writing inspires you all to read the Word, increase your faith and give you a desire to serve our Creator!

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple