What is “Enough?”

My heart is troubled at what seems to have become the norm in today’s society. People have lost all value for what is truly important. Somehow a text message has replaced conversation and that has deprived us of having close relationships.

No one talks to each other anymore, a phone call hearing the voice of a loved one or friend doesn’t seem to be important to most folks nowadays. 

Why is it not important to hear the voice of someone that loves us or hear the voice of a friend that cares for us? We busy ourselves with nothing of importance and in doing so devalue that which is very important. 

I see it happen because just a few years ago I was doing the same. We think some text conversation is enough, but it’s not! We can’t hear the love or pain in the voices of those we love and care about in a text message.

Why? Because we busy ourselves with nothing important. Don’t believe me? Ask yourself this question: What am I accomplishing by being so busy or feeling so busy all the time? 

We let busy replacing importance and value. To hear those that we love and care about is truly important, it has great value.

As a matter of fact, it has value beyond measure! Folks, I’m only talking about a phone call. Don’t get me started on in-person communication - most seem to think that is far too inconvenient.

Is the love of a parent not enough? Or the love of a sibling? How about the love of a friend who has no obligation to love you at all? Is love not enough? Have these become so cheapened in your life that they have no value?

Now that you are thinking, allow me to ask you what has to happen to garner your dedication/devotion?

Ask yourself just what is enough? 

During this time of year we celebrate a time of giving and receiving; we gather and think of loved ones present and past, but - do we really understand true giving and receiving? This time that we celebrate is a Christian holiday. A time to celebrate the giving of the birth of Jesus Christ!

John 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

The Angel spoke: 

Luke 2:11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.

Christ was born the spotless, sacrificial Lamb. He is the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, the Name above all names! He was born to be sacrificed for us all, that we may not perish but have everlasting Life! 

Was that not enough? What more could we possibly ask for that would be enough? Does the birth, life, and sacrifice of our Lord not have enough value for our total dedication to God?! Why are we not driven to be a bondservant of the Lord Jesus Christ?

Does His life, the taking on of all our sins, and death not warrant - at the least - our complete service and dedication? Imagine sitting on the judgment seat and God asking you this: was my Son not enough? What will we reply?

Can we justify anything less than our full dedication? For the greatest gift of all?! Christ defeated death itself so that we may live forever in paradise! Is it not our just service to The Kingdom considering the Gift we have been given?

Today I have shared with you the words of my heart and my thoughts over the past many months. 

I pray that this writing will cause reflection and induce us all to question ourselves in our daily walk.

May you all be blessed beyond measure and be determined to serve our Lord Jesus Christ!


Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple