To Whom do you Pray?

Do you pray to Jesus the benevolent King that came as a babe to save the sinners of this world that would believe in Him? The one who lived a sinless life, healed the sick, raised the dead, made the blind to see and the lame to walk?

The Lord of Lords and King of kings, the precious Lord that sits on the right hand of God the Father and intercedes for us? Is Jesus the risen Savior that established the Church and the asking that will return and rule over the world for a thousand years? Is He that reigns in Heaven and earth the Jesus that you pray to?

Or is Jesus nothing more than a historical character in a book that you read no differently than you would a novel off some shelf? Maybe Jesus to you does not even warrant you taking the time to read the Bible.

I remember as a child in fourth grade our teacher would read from a novel to us a few times a week, I always enjoyed that time and grew fond of reading.

There are some that come to the church only to hear just as they would hear an audio book or a reading in a library. Entertainment if you will,  hearing with no understanding other than story time.

Is Jesus a fictional character in a fictional book to you? Or is the Bible nothing more than a historical reference? Is the first hand knowledge of the writings of the Apostles fact in your heart and mind or not? Do you even pray? Is Jesus real to you or not?

You see our understanding and belief in who Jesus is, is the very basis of our Salvation! We can believe in God, and not be saved. Knowing Jesus and understanding salvation is a must, just knowing God exists is not enough, the scripture tells us that even the demons believe and tremble.

On that last day in that last moment will you hear “come to me my child” or will you hear “depart from me I never knew you”?

Jesus said “I am the way the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except by Me

To Whom do you Pray?

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple