How Do We React to Answered Prayer?

For me that is a time of humbled prayer and praise of thanksgiving.

I was humbled to tears this morning for answered prayer. You see I have made the decision to be totally dedicated to the benefit of God's Kingdom in any way He wishes me to be. It is not burdensome to do that in any way at all, but as a man I do get worn down a bit thinking of the status of this world we live in.

So I prayed that God would show me if I was going to be of any benefit at all so that I would be encouraged and strengthened to do even more.

As Paul and Timothy often said, be of good cheer. I believe that is the attitude we who are called by His name should travel and walk through our daily lives doing the work that God has for us to do.

My prayer was answered and I was shown that indeed my efforts to serve my Lord have not been for naught. By the Holy Spirit speaking through a man I was shown once again the Love of my Father in Heaven.

I wept in praise, as my wife embraced me in my weeping I was able to praise our Lord from my heart and the entirety of my soul. These times have value beyond measure.

These precious moments in our lives should be etched in our hearts and minds and celebrated with praise and thanksgiving.

David stated in the Psalms that his sins were always before him, but if we are dedicated to the will of God there will be times that we get to hear Him say well done! That is exactly what my morning has been so I wept in humbleness and did a happy dance in my spirit.

I desire to hear God say “well done my good and faithful servant “ and I truly fear the thought of hearing “depart from me I never knew you”

Be encouraged and we must also be encouraging to those who seek to serve the Lord.

My Love and prayers are with you, May the Spirit live within your heart and give utterance through your mouth…. Amen

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple