Revelations 3:20

Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hears my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.

It seems that when some hear the knock they will hear His voice and open the door but after a time they seem to treat Christ as if He has somehow worn out His welcome.

It’s as if the very presence of the Lord becomes inconvenient. We all may exhibit this behavior in our walk with the Lord. Hopefully there comes a time when we desire the company of our Lord all the time and become fearful of the thought of not experiencing the comfort that comes with His presence. Our time here on this earth is a time of learning.

If we are truly God's Children then all things experienced have purpose, the blessings and the difficult. There should come a time when we that claim the name of our Lord Jesus can come to an understanding that we as His children were being trained up just as the scripture states. (Proverbs 22:6)

Are we not told to come to the Father as children? (Mark 10:15 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child, he shall not enter therein.)

As much as we would like to think of ourselves as mature adults, that very mentality is the folly of man.

I never want to be independent from God if our desire is not to be trained up like a child always being taught and disciplined, corrected, loved and comforted by the very Hand of our Omnipotent Father then we have strayed from our path, and we are clearly told the story of the sheep that strayed and how the Shepherd retrieved it broke the leg and carried it until it understood that it was fully dependent on the Shepard. Personally I’m weary of having to have my leg broken.

I will walk closely by my Shepherd’s side and not stray.

I pray that no matter how difficult, that all who are called, learn to never stray.

I also understand as in the parable of the sower that some will fall amongst the rocks and some amongst the thorns. I pray that those that have fallen on fertile ground produce much fruit.

Jesus said (I am the true vine and My Father the vine dresser John 15:1) we should focus our every effort to be fruitful branches from the true vine in all things!

May we all be consumed by the Holy Spirit and that our mouths utter the words of our Father in Heaven.

May you feel the Love of our Father and the presence of our Savior Jesus Christ today, and I pray we all be drawn nearer to Him every moment.


You are in my prayers daily.