
2 Timothy 3:2-4

2 For men will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 unloving, unforgiving, slanderers, without self-control, brutal, despisers of good, 4 traitors, headstrong, haughty, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.

For many years I have spoken to new believers and old attempting to instill a single bit of wisdom that I have gained through time and observation. This small but supremely important wisdom is this: the biggest hindrance in my Christian growth has been standing in my own way.

As I have grown older and more mature in the Word of God, this wisdom has become more and more obvious.

It saddens me that I so greatly hindered myself. But by the grace and love of the Holy Spirit through the reading of the Word and the teachings and preachings of great called men, the Scriptures and understandings of the Word have taken up a place in my heart and mind.

I am continually prompted by the Holy Spirit of Scriptures and teachings that pertain to a current situation. Should I not weigh everything against the Word of God? Certainly I should—every situation, every feeling, temptation, thought, and action I must weigh according to the Word of God.

Just as there is God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (the Holy Trinity), I must weigh everything three ways. Through fervent prayer, through knowledge of the Word, and through the teaching of the Holy Spirit, then I can be in the will of God!

All this requires some prior effort, we must know the Word and understand its meaning, through reading, and through listening to those men called by God to preach and teach it.

We must know how to pray fervently (intently). We must contemplate the Word in our quiet time so that we may hear the Holy Spirit.

It’s about right now some of you may be saying, “I’ve never heard from the Holy Spirit”. Allow me to impart another bit of wisdom I have learned, the Holy Spirit will not shout you down! If you remember what I said at the beginning, the biggest hindrance in my spiritual walk has been standing in my own way.

Oh, I would pray, but then set out getting busy with whatever I had going on thinking I had done what needed to be done, but that’s exactly what I should not have done! I should have prayed fervently and then gotten quiet in contemplation of the Word.

In my experience, it is in my quiet time after prayer that I will hear the will of God through the Holy Spirit. Please don’t be confused and think that the Holy Spirit will speak in an audible voice, that is not how it happens.

For me it is either a Scripture verse or passage, or I will be reminded of a teaching of the Word that applies to my prayer time, as long as my prayer was within God’s will!

For this to happen I must put forth great effort to live a godly life, read and understand the Word as much as possible, and pray fervently.

James 4:2 You desire but do not have, so you kill. You covet but you cannot get what you want, so you quarrel and fight. You do not have it because you do not ask God.

Allow me to explain this verse with some examples.

If a person is trying to live a Godly life, it is fine to ask for a thing, maybe a new bigger house, or a new vehicle, maybe it’s money to purchase something for someone or to gain some relief from the grief and worry of barely making ends meet.

Then it is fine to ask for these things. But it is not in God’s will to ask if you want these things to edify yourself or flaunt before others. If you pray for something and God gives it, be thankful, giving prayers of thanksgiving and praise!

I must issue a caution here, be very careful what you ask for! Things may be given but others allowed, and there is a huge difference! Asking within God’s will is far different than asking for selfish purposes.

There have been many gifts granted by God—houses, cars, promotions, and many others. There have also been things allowed which are destructive to the person that asked selfishly.

Dear Brothers and Sisters, please heed my advice learned through my own failings, the Holy Spirit will not shout you down and God will hold back and allow you to fail in order to teach you.

I have witnessed people claiming that God gave them an answer through prayer that so blatantly contradicted the Scriptures that it was obvious they were either lying or had heard from Hell instead of Heaven. This is the difference of asking in God’s will versus coveting and selfish, fleshly desire!

The key to this all is knowing God’s Holy Word and living to please Him and not one’s self!

Proverbs 3:5-6 

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;

6 in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.

I pray that this has given you all some insight you had not contemplated and directs you all to focus on the Word and Will of our Father in Heaven.

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple