
Thoughts consumed my mind this morning after my prayer time.

It seems many Christian’s often don’t understand the basic meaning of some scriptures and even more don’t grasp the depths of the Word.

Oh they will bring their burdens to the foot of the cross in prayer, then when finished, pick those same burdens up and carry them away with them.

That is a defeatist mentality and methodology. They imagine the Cross they are supposed to pick up is only an image of the burdens they must bare.

I personally believe that Cross represents a Cross that I need to sacrifice myself upon, crucifying my sinful self and showing my dedication to serve my Lord. If I sacrifice myself upon that cross then I may be resurrected as a new creature, pure and HOLY before God washed in the blood of Christ.

Am I as a believer not told that I should die unto myself? Sadly so many feel like they can just observe from afar like Zaccheaus in the tree. But Christ is saying “come out of that tree I need to stay with you”

Prayer is our power! We are told by Christ Himself that we will do far greater things than He. That is almost unimaginable but our Savior said it and it is true beyond our understanding!

So then I pray for an awakening of God's people and a great quickening of the spirit of those that claim the name of Christ Jesus!!

I pray that the evil in our land be dragged out into the light for all to see then cast out of our land never to return! I honestly believe we are given that Power from Heaven itself. Do we have to hear Christ himself utter to us “oh ye of little faith”? What are Christians waiting for?

Peter walked on water because of his faith, why then can we through fervent prayer not cast the evil from our country? Is there any faith left in God's people? If not, our days are not long at all! Only one was saved from the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah…ONE

 If Gods people have no faith and no understanding of the power that we were promised then how many shall be spared? Will the words from Heaven ring across our nation “Depart from Me oh ye of little Faith!” Or will we somehow manage to turn from our wicked ways and hear “Well done My good and faithful servant”? The choice is ours and ours alone!

May you be blessed beyond measure this day and may the Word come from your mouth with the authority of our Savior and rest in ears that hear and hearts that seek Him who gave all for a wretch like me!

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple