Love or Rebellion

Remember when you were a child and you were having a good time playing or had made plans to go play with a friend and then your mom or dad came in and told you to clean your room or do some chore, but you rebelled because you didn’t want to interrupt what you wanted to do? 

Maybe when you were a teen and had plans with friends or someone you were sweet on, but you had neglected those things you were responsible for and then your parents wouldn’t let you go. You became mad and, in rebellion, refused to meet your responsibilities or protested to the extreme and then the whole family was in turmoil, remember?

Childish fits and tantrums, no matter what the age, is rebellion! As adults we still do the same things just not as emotionally dramatic (at least I hope not), and those things are against the teachings of God instead of our parents. Whether it is irresponsibility or outright rebellion, we often defy God just as we did our parents when we were children.

I believe there are several things that dictate whether we show love or become rebellious. Just as when we were children, if we are obedient in love, we are rewarded, but if we are rebellious, we bring upon ourselves punishment. Oh, that punishment may take different forms, in the same way a father’s punishment for a rebellious child may vary.

It seems man often thinks far more of himself than he ought, and in doing so, he becomes a rebellious child. If we become rebellious children, we may find life harsh and things become difficult.

A great opportunity may fall apart or we may suffer other troubles, maybe even the loss of a loved one. We may end up in a restless cycle of little advancement with failures resulting in a return to where you began. God does these things or allows these things to wake us up! To make us realize that our way, and our struggle to do things in our way, is wrong. You see, obedience brings reward and rebellion brings punishment!

We gaze into the mirror and believe we see who we are, but we don’t. We see a vessel that we reside in. You and I are eternal beings.

We will exist forever, either in Hell by our own choice or in Heaven because of the risen Savior Jesus Christ and our choice to turn to Him. We must keep this in the forefront of our minds and that must dictate our actions. (If you are only interested in fulfilling your earthly goals and desires, you probably are tempted to stop reading already, but I urge you to read until the end for your own benefit.)

As a child, were you punished when you misbehaved? Is God not the Father? If we are being rebellious, we should expect that there are some corrections coming.

The Word of God clearly states that if you spare the rod, you spoil the child! Didn’t God say He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow? Why would we even contemplate that His Holy Word is not what He meant?

I have said, and heard many others say, that if you want to know who God is, then read the Word! I personally want to know my Father in Heaven! I want to serve Him in my appreciation for who He is and what He has done for me! I am a child of the Creator Himself and He Loves me as His child.

Who is a man compared to God? Is a child possible without a father? Do I not realize that I am, only because of my Father in Heaven? That God the Father placed me in this vessel and knew me before I was knitted together in my mother’s womb?

That I am saved only because of His Son Jesus? Is it not my just service to be of benefit to His Kingdom, that which is my true home? Being obedient to God’s Word is pressing toward the mark, fighting the good fight!

The path of a Christian is straight and narrow, traveled according to God’s Word with a great and wonderful reward at the end, but the path of the lost is wide, full of obstacles and trouble with no hope and only condemnation at the finish, condemnation eternal. 

The unknown often keeps people from venturing out and doing things that would benefit them, I’m here to tell you my experience in serving God has brought me more joy than anything I have ever done in my life.

There is a sense of purpose and accomplishment I’ve never known before. I now have an eagerness to do more and learn more, to be a better man every day. I want people to see God through me and understand the reward that comes with salvation.

I read the Word and learn of many great men that have served God, but I wish only to have their traits, not to be them.

To have the wisdom of Elihu and Solomon, to have the faithfulness and dedication of Daniel and the prophets, to have the love and loyalty of Paul and the apostles, but I don’t want to be like them! I want to be all that God has for me to be, that is my desire because of my Love for Him! I want to please my Father in Heaven!

I see so many that struggle throughout their lives, leaning only on themselves all the while whining and complaining about the trials of life as if they know no hope at all. It’s obvious they have little or no faith and have no real idea of who God is.

If you want to know what wisdom of God looks like in a man and who God is, a good place to start is to read the last eleven chapters of Job, chapters 32-42. This will give you a good idea of both!

I’ve heard people say when speaking of God that He never did anything for them. But He has! God gave His only begotten Son to die for their sin so that they may have everlasting life. What more do they need? All they have to do is to believe who Jesus is and what He did for them, then repent of their sin, and ask to be saved!

We were given a choice to either live in Heaven forever or live in the horrors of Hell forever, it is our choice!

We have not because we ask not!

In closing, are you going to be a loving child of God or are you going to be a rebellious child, choose your own path, and serve only yourself?

Dear Father, I ask that this writing that was given by You speak to the hearts of all that read it and that it compels the lost to give pause to their ways and seek the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ.


Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple