
I believe that most people read the Bible and Bible stories and only understand them at face value. Take the story of Noah, in Genesis chapter six, verses nine through twenty two, we find the basic story of Noah. We know that the people in the world were corrupt and God told Noah to build an ark, what to build it out of, and the dimensions to build it to.

To fully grasp the magnitude of God’s hand in all the happenings in the Bible, we must have a deep Bible knowled’ge and, at the very least, a basic understanding of the spiritual realm. I hope I can convey this necessity in this writing.

Have you ever wondered how Noah knew what an ark was or how he came by the knowledge of how to build this mighty vessel? Noah lived in the Middle East—experts have concluded he lived somewhere between Turkey and Mesopotamia.

Surely Noah wasn’t a ship builder because he couldn’t get his product to the water. We don’t know for sure what his occupation was, but we can surmise it wasn’t ship building.

Noah was chosen because he was the only Godly man in a world of evil men. (Much like Lot was in the telling of Sodom and Gomorrah.) There was far more supernatural knowledge that came to Noah during the building of the ark.

He had to know how to haul the timbers and build devices to lift them into place, he had to have knowledge of tool making, measuring, leveling, construction, and shaping.

Noah built the ark over a period of a hundred and twenty years.

I think we forget that Noah was a superhuman. He was ninth in line descended from Adam and lived 950 years. Imagine building one thing for a hundred and twenty years! Most folks get burned out with anything after two or three years and some sooner than that.

I don’t believe in coincidence when it comes to scripture,.God limited the days of a man after the flood to the same amount of time it took Noah to build the ark.

The time spent building the ark was also time spent gathering and growing food for animals for at least some of that time.

Think about how long that might have taken, waiting on them all to show up and getting them loaded on the Ark in their respective places, and loading the food for them, too! without divine understanding, how would Noah have known how much food to bring for his family and the animals?

Let’s talk about animals. We know that a pair of every animal on earth were on the Ark to repopulate the earth. I believe that all those animals would have had to come to where Noah was because there would not have been time to travel the earth gathering them.

Have you ever wondered why all the other animals had to die in the flood? Surely God is more than capable of preserving their lives.

So why would God not save all the animals? I believe to understand why, it is necessary to have a firm understanding of scripture. In my understanding there are three other teachings that must be referenced.

(In first Samuel 15 God sent Saul to kill the Amalekites and told him to kill every living thing including the animals.)

(In Luke 8 when Jesus met the man that was possessed the demons begged to go into the pigs so they wouldn’t have to go into the pit.)

(In Ephesians 6 we are told we battle not against flesh and blood but against principalities and powers of the air, and Spiritual wickedness in high places.)

After studying the account of Noah and contemplating Scripture, I came to understand that the verse in Luke explains not only why God instructed Saul to slay all the Amalekites including their animals but also why all the animals of earth needed to perish with the people in the flood! When the people began to succumb to the waters there couldn’t be anywhere for the demons to run to, no animals for them to seek refuge in, so they would have to return to the pit!

I hope this teaching gives you a time of deep contemplation and study. The Scriptures have deep wisdom if we seek it out.

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple