Do you contemplate in awe the Majesty of God?
As my mind was set upon the Father this morning, I began to marvel at the awesomeness of God. My God who created the Heavens and the Earth, who gave light upon the darkness of this, His creation, and separated them night into day.
My God who set the stars and the moon in the sky, my God who divided the waters of the Earth with the firmament and called forth every living thing that swims in the waters and walks or crawls upon the land, and saw that it was good. Who am I compared to God?
Did God not set the boundaries of the waters and tell its mighty waves, “no further”? Is this not Majesty? My God formed Adam from the dust of the Earth and breathed into him a living soul, then God formed Eve from the rib of Adam to give him a proper companion and to satisfy the needs of his flesh. God commanded them to be fruitful and multiply to populate the Earth.
My God appeared to Ezekiel with the creatures of Heaven in Majesty beyond the imaginations of man. My God made a hand appear and gave a scroll to Ezekiel to eat so that the word of God would be in him and so that He would speak of the coming of God’s hand upon the people.
My God also made a hand appear to write His judgment of the kingdom of Babylon. My God brought forth the flood upon the Earth to wash from it the vileness of man and begin anew.
My God wiped the cities of the plain and all who inhabited them from the Earth because of their evil ways. My God separated the waters of the Red Sea to provide a path of escape for His people of Israel, then closed it up on the evil men of Egypt.
My God sent His only begotten Son as a living sacrifice for mankind, that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but would have everlasting life!
I could write volumes on the Majesty of God and the Greatness of my Savior Jesus Christ, and would still fall far short in proper description! Nothing a man can imagine comes close to the Majesty of my Creator. Who am I in comparison?
I am a man, a creation of God, a man that is loved by God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit. If I ask in His will, then the authority of Heaven itself inhabits my prayer.
I am a man that has been called to teach those things God wishes me to teach, just as a preacher is called to preach the Word of God.
To all who read these words, do you know the Majesty of God? Does He walk with you and talk with you, or is God only something you have heard of, someone you have no understanding of?
Jesus said “no one comes to the Father except by me.” To know the Son is to know the Father.
Father God, I pray in the name of my Lord Jesus that those who read these words see your Majesty and worship you in the depths of their hearts, that they would turn their eyes upon Jesus, and seek Your face.
I ask this in the name of my Savior Jesus Christ, and for the Glory of my Father in Heaven, and in the Holy Spirit.
Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple