Wisdom and Hearing

Wisdom comes from learning and hearing from the soul. It has become clearer and clearer to me that our soul, which resides in this vessel (body), has far more understanding than the mind of the vessel.

The difficulty is silencing the mind so that we can hear the soul. I think we must first understand the word and what we truly are. As I have spoken for many years, “I am not a human having a spiritual experience, I am a spirit having a human experience”.

To fully comprehend this is a gain of great wisdom, a wisdom that will allow us to hear, learn, and worship far more than if I think myself a human. The spirit that is truly who we are, knows and recognizes the spiritual realm.

There are many verses in the Bible that confirm the understanding of the spirit in a man. In Matthew 7 the spirits of men recognized the presence and authority of the Son of God.

In Luke chapter 7 the spirit in the centurion knew who Jesus was beyond question, as a matter of fact Jesus said He had never heard a man speak with such great faith, not even in Israel. (I highly recommend you read Luke 7:1-10)

When Jesus met the man possessed, the demons instantly recognized who He was, surely this is a spiritual recognition and not the common understanding of a man, as a matter of fact the demons begged and pleaded with Jesus, because they understood His authority.

When Mary the mother of Jesus met Elizabeth the mother of John the Baptist, John leaped with joy in her womb. It was not the child that sensed the presence of the Lord, it was the spirit in the child that was John the Baptist.

Have you ever been in a place, or met a person that made you feel very uneasy, maybe you felt it so strongly that you felt anxious to leave the presence of that person or that place. This is the discernment of your spirit detecting evil or danger.

Maybe you have gone to a place or met someone that you felt very comfortable around or at home with, they or the place gave you a sense of peace and comfort, that also is discernment of the spirit letting you know there is goodness there.

This is where we get the term kindred spirits. This is not a vibe or some spider sense as some describe it, it is the prompting of the spirit! The scripture says, as a man thinks in his heart,so is he!

Our spirit that God has placed within us knows and understands the spiritual things including other spirits! The Bible clearly states in Proverbs 3:5-6

5 Trust in the Lord with all your heart,
And lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him,
And He shall direct your paths.

(I was given a great teaching by the Holy Spirit yesterday, and it overwhelmed me for a time. I walked away from this writing and later in the day could not seem to return to it. This morning I understood why, it was because God had more for me to write in this section above before I completed this writing in total)

Know that who you are is a spirit placed by God himself in a vessel residing on this earth for a short time, who you truly are, is an eternal being not the fleeting time of flesh.

(Ok I am about to teach something I have never heard taught or preached so listen with your spirit)

 Allow me to repeat this, when Elizabeth met Mary the mother of Jesus, the child that was John leaped with joy in her womb. It was not the recognition of the human but that of the spirit in the child! (I am about to teach you what the Holy Spirit has blessed me with this very morning as I was writing the Spirit began to speak to me about abortion and what follows it what came to me)

In Genesis when God created Adam from the dust of the earth, God breathed in him a living Soul. God places every soul in every body!

There is no assembly line, souls are not lined up waiting to jump into the next child conceived, God breathes into that body a living soul He has from the beginning and will until the end, this is His way! As I have tried to explain, the spirit that is who we are understands the spiritual realm, it has discernment and speaks the language of the kingdom of Heaven.

Our spirit hears and understands the utterance of the Holy Spirit. With this we can know who we really are, an immortal soul! There are many verses that confirm the spirit within us and the weakness of the flesh. There is a portion of a verse commonly used at weddings that has great application in this as well.

The placing of the soul within the vessel is the work of God. And as it has been spoken many times, “what God has coupled together, let no man tear asunder”! Or in today's language “ what God has put together, let no man tear apart”!

I hope you all are beginning to grasp the dire consequence of tearing apart what God himself has done. Is this not exactly what abortion does? God places the soul in a child, and the act of abortion separates the soul from the body, thus tearing apart what God has coupled together.

It is not only the one who made the choice that is responsible for that tearing apart but all those involved are complicit in the act, and they will receive the measure of the Lord thy God!

I hope I have presented this in a way that conveys understanding to you all.

To God be the Glory!

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple