
When we make the decision to serve the Lord, our perspective completely changes. A few days ago I found myself in a store that sells cell phones and such and serves as the tech support business end of the company.

I had a new phone I needed to transfer to and a minor issue with my new tablet that I couldn’t figure out. I was greeted when I walked in and seated at a table along with several other folks waiting on the technician´s assistance.

The table was full with the exception of one open seat. To my right was a woman that was obviously experiencing some troubling issues getting her new phone set up.

This struck me odd that something so trivial as this would somehow become so troubling to an adult; the tech was making her rounds efficiently and things were going smoothly for most everyone with the exception of this woman seated to my right, By her own doing her phone was so full there wasn’t enough room for the current software update and there could be no transfer until the new software was installed.

Her anxiety was rapidly mounting; she even stated out loud that her anxiety was becoming a problem. Instantly my thoughts turned to God; I was witnessing the manifestation of the dark forces making efforts to manufacture a problem. (Y’all pay attention!) This woman, a mature adult, was rapidly losing the control of her rational faculties over a trivial issue with a cell phone.

If you know the Word of God then it is clear this is just one of the ways the powers of darkness work in the lives of people every day. It most often starts with something trivial and, if left unchecked, ends up a major issue ruining the day of the person who is being directly attacked and often those that they come in contact with, too. 

The technician had told this woman that she would have to delete enough material from her phone to allow room for the software update. At this point, the woman seated to my right had become frantic in her effort of deciding what to discard and what to keep, and the time it was consuming.

Allow me to pause here and insert a scripture verse that contains great wisdom.

Proverbs 3:5-6  5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. 6 In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

You see, by allowing her thought process to be manipulated to the point her emotions had become the dominant force over logical thought, this woman had lost her perspective and then she found herself overwhelmed.

The technician came to me and asked if I had been waiting long. Without any thought, I told her that the only important thing I was waiting on was the day the Lord called me home and that this sort of stuff had no real value in comparison.

That brought on a very sweet peaceful smile from this young lady technician, and a comment from the lady to my right. Now I Idid not hear her comment—a result of diminished hearing on my part—but when I Heard her, I looked and smiled. It was amazing to observe her whole demeanor begin to change.

Almost instantly she seemed to be calming down rapidly, not because of me but because even the mention of the Lord has power! He is the name above all names and in the presence of God, evil cannot reside. (Don’t ever forget this!) I Watched as this woman, who was so frantic just a moment before, began to smile and think more clearly.

In a matter of a couple of minutes she was able to think of things on her old phone she could delete and was very soon downloading the software update. The whole atmosphere had changed by a simple mention of the importance of the Lord, and that simple comment put the entire situation in perspective.

I have written this and said many times, “if I could convince everyone of one absolute fact of scripture it would be Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

This is our battlefield, not people but those spirits that manipulate people! This is why it is so very important to Love the Lord with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and all your strength, and put on the whole armor of God every day!

One thing I often say is “But by the Grace of God go I” and I truly mean that. You see, I have sinned so much for so long in this life of mine that I finally came to the understanding that God’s way, the way of life according to His Holy Word, is the only way I can achieve anything of true value! What we do in service to the Lord has value and that, my friend, is storing up riches in Heaven.

Everything else can, and often does, disappear in an instant! The only thing you can take with you when the body dies are the workings of the spirit, either good or bad.

If you are saved then the bad has been erased. If you have not been, then you will be judged of all you have done at the great White Throne Judgement! This is the judgment of condemnation—no works can get you into Heaven.

The Scripture says that none are righteous, no, not one! Jesus said “you can do nothing without me” and so I focus my days on serving the Lord!

In Proverbs we are told “thus a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. Control your thoughts! You may ask how that can be done. It can be done in this way—when thoughts you know or even think are unpleasant to God begin to enter your mind, push them out.

Tell yourself “No, I’m not going there. I am not going to allow these things to cloud my mind and divert me from serving my Lord.” It takes some training but you can do it! I promise, if I can do it, you can do it! Be that man or woman who concentrates on God every moment.

I know some of you are thinking that you have things to do, or a job, or any other thing you might believe is a diversion from thinking on God. Well, God knows we are busy and have things to do, but we can be busy and our focus be on pleasing God at the same time! The Bible tells us in Colossians 3:23-24 23 Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters, 24 since you know that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord as a reward. It is the Lord Christ you are serving.

It can be done!

To close this writing I want to share these thoughts. Read and know the Word of God, be quick to recognize the attacks of the adversary, even the subtle ones, “resist the Devil and he will flee from you”, begin and end your day with prayer, and make your focus to be pleasing to the Lord, always remembering you are a child of the living God and should be seen as such!

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple