Quality; Not Quantity
I am seeing a common occurrence in ministries, and missions around the world. It is obvious that. The principalities of the air have placed people in our churches and mission fields to be hindrances/stumbling blocks for the true followers and to those that have been called to teach,preach,and show the Word and a love of God to the masses. Remember we are told... From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.
Luke 12:48 Our Example is always God through the word. Are we not to be long suffering just like God?
We speak and teach the Word in truth and then we are either attacked in some form or face disruption of a type. Lucifer cares nothing about us as individuals, he only seeks to rob our Lord of glory.
Do we not see the same beguilement as we are taught Eve faced? All those in our path that insist on debauchery, rebellion, and outright denial are being used to hinder the growth of the Church and the followers of Christ.
I have an advantage in that my audience is small with strong convictions to our Father in Heaven. But you that bring the Word to the masses day in and day out are inundated with attack after attack.
I would ask you to consider this, look at these attacks and the attempt at hurtful activities as a badge of honor! If you were not obedient to your calling and being Jo effective there would be no problems!
I pray that this verse rings loudly in your ears every time you face opposition in your service to God.
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Be encouraged, Be of good cheer! We serve the one true God, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords and that in itself is sufficient.
Some seed will fall amongst the rocks and some in shallow soil and some of the flock that are determined to stray will be devoured.
All that we can do is to fulfill our duties in our calling and not be discouraged as difficult as that may be. Each individual will sit upon the seat of judgment alone, if we are found righteous covered by the of our Lord then we will reside in paradise for eternity, that and that alone must be our goal, and if it is so,we will have been fruitful.
I know I’ve said this many times but the House of God is about quality not quantity!
For a long while I am reminded that many who saw and heard Jesus in His time were there yelling out give us Barabbas. Do you not see the same today? I surely do. My expectations are not placed on man but my Father in Heaven has some expectations of me!
Please know you are in my prayers daily and so are the congregations across our nation and the world. I pray daily for Revival.
Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple