Right After (Chapter 1)
Have you ever given any thought to what this world will be like in the few weeks post-rapture? (The catching up) 1 Thessalonians 4:17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.
The Scripture teaches that Jesus will appear in the clouds and those of us that are His will be “caught up” with Him in the air. Those that are not will remain here. What will “here” be like? I think that initially there will be a state of mass confusion and chaos.
Cars wrecking, planes crashing, buses, trucks, and trains out of control and causing great devastation, conversations abruptly ending in person and over the phone—people just vanishing as if they were never there.
To grasp this in any sense of realism, we have to, in general, consider our daily life to begin to comprehend the utter bewilderment of the coming situation.
In America we have become accustomed to a rather luxurious and orderly lifestyle with most daily activities being routine and calm. This will not be the case in the hours and days following the Rapture. It is difficult to comprehend what complete chaos would even look like.
There will be many deaths, crashes from every type of vehicle and equipment, with many things suddenly left in a state of flux and incompletion. With loved ones and friends gone, the news will be abuzz with the disappearance of thousands and thousands of people.
I’m sure this will be spun in the media in many ways with excuses blaming everything from alien abduction to some type of quantum vortex. Eventually for most, the reality of what has happened will settle in and they will begin to understand that they have been left behind and that those who are gone were caught up with the Lord.
There will be another great void felt by everyone that remains. Many will not understand it at first and some may not ever. When the children of Christ Jesus are caught up into the air with Him, the Holy Spirit ascends with us. No longer will there be a restraint on evil on this world.
Perversions and wickedness will increase at a rate unimaginable. People will wonder why, but it is only people that will be confused. The demonic spirits will know that they are no longer hindered.
The world has never known a day when there was no protection against the rampant unrestrained devices of pure evil, but the world will experience just that for seven long and agonizing years.
Life as it had been known will have ceased to exist, and there will be something never before known beginning. For many, a focus on God will become their sole endeavor. For those that fall into the traps of Satan, evil will become the norm.
A period of 3.5 years will seem great for many, and the world will be for the most part peaceful. The new world leader will be a charismatic voice to all. The lies he speaks will sound and feel wonderful, and many will sell their souls following this great man.
There will be 144,000 Jews evangelizing across the world, and some that hear will truly hear and understand. Sadly, those who turn to Christ will be martyred in the coming months and years. An Angel will fly around the world evangelizing. Then two Prophets of old will come, and the world will see them on their televisions, over the internet, and hear them over the airwaves.
Here is how I believe things will unfold: For many, the first few months will be a time of realizing exactly what has happened (where all those people went will become understood), but the majority will be fooled and will believe the lies spread about the mass disappearance.
During the first three years, things will settle into a calm environment, but then a year of transition will begin. The people will start to hear the charismatic world leader that has taken over begin to spew hatred toward those who follow God and worship the Lord.
For about six months, this fiendish, vile rhetoric will be mostly talk, and then this man will demand that these nonfollowers of his way be hunted down and eliminated. Far too many will concede and the world will watch the henchmen of the world leader begin to hunt down and murder those who worship the Lord Jesus Christ.
Note: The persecution of Christians will serve two goals, 1st will be nothing less than the joy of killing followers of the one true God, and 2nd will be instilling fear in the weaker people. Fear that if they surrender to the Lord, they will be hunted down and killed; fear preventing many from giving themselves over to the worship of God.
This is a time during which great teaching will be required and also great commitment to decision-making!
To be continued…
“Now Sirs! Any kind of faith in Christ which does not change your life is the faith of devils, and will take you where devils are, but will never take you to Heaven!”
Charles Spurgeon
Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple