Right After (Chapter 2)
In chapter one, I wrote of what those left behind after the Rapture will experience in part. In this writing I wish to attempt to help you understand what it might be like for those that are caught up in the presence of the Lord.
I believe that only the truly saved will hear the Angel’s trumpet and see Christ Jesus in the clouds—alas, we are caught up in His presence. Remember, this is not Christ’s return to earth, but Him coming to collect His people in the air.
So, what might it be like? In an instant, all we have known will change, and change so drastically I think it is impossible to grasp in more than a minuscule thought concept. We will never again know war, conflict, anger, sadness, heartache, loss, wickedness, or evil.
We will exist in a realm that is completely foreign to anything we have understood, yet somehow feel as if we have come home. We will be in a state of security and peace that was unknown before. There may be a time of utter amazement at the Grandness of Heaven.
The scripture teaches in 1 Corinthians 2:9 However, as it is written:”What no eye has seen, what no ear has heard, and what no human mind has conceived” the things God has prepared for those who love him—
There will be no sense of being in a foreign place, but a sense that we have returned home. Remember, we came from God and to God we will have returned. We learn this in the creation story—God formed Adam from the dust of the earth, and He breathed into Adam a living Soul.
The scripture reinforces this in Ecclesiastes 12:7 then shall the dust return to the earth as it was, and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.
So you see, this will be a homecoming. Whether we meet the Lord in the catching up, or when our vessel succumbs to death, we will return home to His presence if we have truly been saved!
The true believers, those who are saved, will go home to more than they have ever known. Our fleshly frailty cannot conceive the greatness of where we will be.
I believe that when the children of God are caught up to be with the Lord, this will begin the second part of the harvest. Yes, the second part. Few read and understand there are two parts to the harvest of men.
First is the separation of the wheat from the tares, and second is the separation of the wheat and the chaff. The non-usable husks covering the wheat must be separated so that the wheat can be used. I agree that there is more than one way to understand the parables of the wheat and tares, and the wheat and chaff.
For this writing, I’ll use them in my understanding of how the tribulation time may unfold for the saved. I personally view the separation of the wheat and the chaff as our time before (or in front of) the BEMA seat. When we are perfected (completed) and rewarded by God.
I feel that while the Earth is going through its time of tribulation, we who have been caught up with Christ will go through a time of training, so to speak. Remember that the Scripture we will have perfected bodies and will return to earth in our perfected form as Rulers and Judges.
We will reign on Earth for a thousand years with Christ in a world that is abundant in all things good. Peace will be the order of life and goodness as Christ rules the earth.
It suffices to say we are promised a Paradise far beyond our imagination that will be eternal and not temporary, and all that is required is to accept the salvation freely given to those that will earnestly repent and cry out to the Lord Jesus with a contrite heart for that Great Gift the Lord offers.
“We shall not adjust our Bible to the age, By God’s Grace we shall adjust the age to the Bible”
-Charles Spurgeon
Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple