Right After (Chapter 3)

The last grains of sand!

Allow me to explain the “Last Grains of Sand”.

If we think of time as an hour glass, I believe we are watching the last grains run through. (I will not go into a long teaching on Ezekiel 38 & 39 or the book of Revelation in this writing. You can find a very thorough teaching by looking up Chuck Missler’s teaching on Gog and Magog and Ezekiel 39.) For many years I have understood that we are truly living in the days leading up to the end times.

Now it seems the progression has become so rapid it is difficult to keep up with the happenings.

I’ll list a few things that point directly to my understanding that we are very close to the time of the Rapture (catching up) of God’s children as is told in 1 Thessalonians 4.

There are several prophecies that must be fulfilled before the Rapture, and we are watching them happen in rapid succession. I will list some of them along with a few other things that show God is revealing himself to the world and proving the Bible is correct.

In no specific order:

Several years ago, Turkey allowed a team of archeologists to closely examine what was believed to be the Ark of Noah. During their investigation, the team not only confirmed the correct dimensions but found a way inside and proved beyond any doubt that it is truly the Ark that the Bible speaks of.

They saw and videoed the internal construction where they found the pens the animals were kept in and the construction was as Scripture described. (Let me say this for all to hear—if the Ark is real as told in the Bible, all the Scripture is real!)

We know from Scripture that the temple must be rebuilt. Well, things have been building up to exactly that. Eight months ago, Jews were not allowed to pray on the Temple Mount.

As a matter of fact, this was so strictly enforced that if someone was seen alone and moving their mouth, they would be made to leave, and in some cases, they were arrested for suspicion of praying. Then something happened, as if a Divine understanding came over everyone. Jews began to come and pray on the Temple Mount and it was as if the guards had become blinded to it.

(Remember that the Angels struck the men of Sodom blind…The Scripture foretells itself!)

Now, Jews are coming in groups of ten (this is significant in Jewish culture). Just a few short weeks ago, Priests from the Temple Institute came to the Temple Mount in their Priestly garments and stood and prayed, with no interruption.

This is in preparation for the sacrifice of the Red Heifer. The Red Heifer sacrifice signifies the beginning of the new Temple construction. All the stones have been cut and prepared—even cut from the quarry that the stone of the temple Solomon had built were cut from—and strangely, nothing is being said or resisted.

In February, the three remaining heifers will be at least 3 years old (a requirement), and the one that is found to be without blemish will become the Temple sacrifice. The third Temple will then be constructed.

For many years, people doubted that David was ever the King of Israel. In Egypt, an archaeological find of a stone tablet from another Kingdom told of the armies of King David of Israel.

In 2 Kings 19, the Bible tells of an Angel of the Lord going out and destroying the Assyrian army in the valley. Not long ago a farmer found an ancient coin in the valley where the Assyrian army camped and was destroyed by the Angel of the Lord God.

Archeologists began to search and excavate in the valley and have now found many artifacts from the camp of the Assyrian army, just as the Scripture tells.

The pool of Siloam where Jesus healed the blind man was discovered.

Some other discoveries are the first century remains of the fortress wall of Bethsaida on the shore of Galilee, the ancient remains of the moat around Jerusalem, and the fortifications of the Kingdoms of David and Solomon have been found and excavated.

There are many more finds, discoveries, and excavations that can be pointed to.

I believe God is revealing himself and in so doing is proving the truth of the Word.

As we watch revelation after revelation become known, this seems to clearly point to the days leading up to the tribulation period. I believe in pre-tribulation rapture; some do not, but we cannot deny that the tribulation will occur and appears to be coming soon.

We must remember the tribulation is a seven year period before Christ’s return to Earth. His return is for the destruction of evil and the beginning of the thousand year reign, when Christ will rule this world and we will live in it in immortality as we were created in the very beginning. Satan will be bound and held prisoner during that time, and then cast into the pit at the end.

The Earth will then be destroyed and rebuilt in perfection as it was originally created and the New Jerusalem will come down from Heaven, and we will dwell there for eternity.

“Father, Father, into Your hands I commit my spirit.” That is a sweet way of living every day—committing everything into our Heavenly Father’s hands, for those hands can do His children no unkindness. - Charles Spurgeon

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple