
An addition to Cling to the Word.

Some things don’t often get taught or mentioned about the tribulation time.  Do you realize there will be no small children on Earth during that time? Every child that is before the age of accountability will be caught up into heaven with the Lord.

Women that are pregnant at that time will no longer be with children. None that are innocent will be left behind. Allow me to explain this, I do not know if the tribulation begins immediately after the catching up or not (although I believe it will).

So there may be a short time between the catching up and the beginning of the tribulation. During that time and during the tribulation there will be children conceived.

The Scripture teaches woe to those women that are with child or nursing in Israel in the tribulation because it will be difficult for them to flee Israel. So we know there will be pregnant and nursing mothers when the Great Tribulation is happening.

There seems to be some debate about the exact timeline on this topic. The tribulation is split into two segments: the Tribulation and The Great Tribulation, this being around three years. The time of the Great Tribulation will happen when the Antichrist has gained full power.

The majority of the population will have received the mark of the Beast, signaling their allegiance to the same. Those without the mark will not be allowed to purchase anything or receive any services given, and those that violate this edict will be severely punished and probably even killed.

Christians will be hunted and executed; every aspect of life will be controlled by the Antichrist and deserters will be killed.

There will only be one religion allowed—that being the worship of the Beast. Those who refuse shall die, the media will be only to spread the lies and deceptions of the Antichrist, and objectivity will have long past.

Before I continue this thought, allow me to return to a previous one. There have been books, movies, and videos trying to give vivid descriptions of what this world will be like immediately after the Catching Up (Rapture). Dr. David Jeremiah has a few short videos on this subject.

I highly suggest you find and watch them, then in your mind’s eye try and comprehend that time and the thoughts of those remaining. Can you imagine a world with no children? A world—not a country—the entire planet will be void of innocence! There will be Chaos beyond imagination. Cars, trucks, planes, and ships will be crashing.

Great voids left from the vanishing of people, confusion and horrendous grieving from the absence of the saved and innocent.

Some will wander in bewilderment as to what just happened, but some will quickly understand that they have been left behind! I think those that understand that the catching up has taken place will be the saddest of all, knowing that what they will face will be horrors beyond imagination. 2 Timothy 4:2 tells us to be ready in season and out of season.

This has several meanings, one of them being that we should be ready for the Lord's return at all times!

I know all this sounds incredibly horrible, but there is a way out. The way is to repent of our sins and call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus for our Salvation! Otherwise, the last opportunity comes by two Prophets (Moses and Elijah) and 144,000 evangelical Jews.

Those that choose to be saved during the Tribulation will be executed by the servants of the beast. (Still a better fate than eternity in Hell.)

The message here is this: JESUS SAVES! HEAVEN is better than Hell! And we just don’t have much longer before all this takes place!

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple