
It seems that the majority of my Bible study leads me to a common subject.

God called men to share and spread His word, some to a few, some to many and some to nations. Is one more important than the other? NO each is as important, none taking precedence over another.

My duty at present is to a few and yours to many but we know not what tomorrow brings and tomorrow I may speak to a nation and you to buy a few.

This is the calling of God and His mystery. Was Paul not a bond servant of our Lord? Paul spoke of his service with joy and duty, just imagine the multitudes that have heard the writings of Paul.

In Ezekiel 2 we read the God sent Ezekiel to the nation of Israel and called them rebellious, stubborn,and impudent! God tells Ezekiel to not be rebellious like they are but to speak to them whether they hear or whether they refuse for they are a rebellious house but they will know a prophet is among them!

(Now I do not have the knowledge or would I dare to call myself a prophet but do we not see the future through our study of God's word? Do we not understand the danger of not following the tenants of the will of our Father in Heaven?

Then are we not under the same directives as the prophets the words speak of?)

In verse 6 of chapter 2 God says “and you son of man do not be afraid of them nor be afraid of their words, though briers and thorns are with you and you dwell among scorpions; do NOT be afraid of their words or their looks, though they are a rebellious house”.

(There is so much strength in this one verse and so much confidence and encouragement that a day could be spent just perching or teaching the lessons of this single verse!)

In verse 8 God says But you son of man, hear what I say to you. Do not be rebellious like that rebellious house; open your mouth and eat what I give you.

(God´s feeds us exactly what He wishes us to consume, hmmm it seems I’ve read this before in Revelations I believe.)

In verse 9 Ezekiel states when he looked a Hand was stretched out before him  and beheld a scroll with writing front and back.

Well we were not handed scrolls but we were drawn to the compilation of scrolls bound into a book and that is where we are given the words that we are told to speak to this rebellious house we find ourselves in.

 I started my study of Ezekiel this morning and it immediately became apparent why I have been drawn to this study!

My love, prayers and encouragement for you I lift up daily to the one True God.

May you be blessed in you studies and throughout your days in everything.

In the name of our Savior Jesus I parlay


Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple