Who Have We Become?

I will start by saying this, most of the issues I’m going to mention in this writing I have found myself guilty of at one time or another, so don’t think for a minute that I’m pointing a finger at you, the reader, any more so than myself first.

Some of this may be hard to cope with for some, because conviction is a harsh master, at least it can be for me.

I only write what I am inspired to write after prayer—at times much prayer. When this came to me this morning,

I was overcome with great sadness and mourning. I was burdened in the depth of my heart, and so I will try to convey what was revealed to me.

None of us have to look far to realize that shallowness is a very common affliction among the world today. It doesn’t matter if we are talking about those that are saved or those that are not.

Most often we need to travel no further than the closest mirror! Yes, that is exactly what I said! We can easily find shallowness almost everywhere we look including ourselves.

At times we have little Faith. We are shallow in our dedication, we are shallow in our belief, in our effort, in our study and learning, in our prayer life, in our compassion, in our service, in our giving, in our stewardship, in our marriages, in our relationship and leadership of our children, in our decision-making, and many, many more aspects of life we could think about!

I hope I haven’t lost anyone so far. It is often easier to get angry and turn away than to face the realities of our personal shortcomings. Sadly, many have no clue if they are shallow in an area. The trouble is we have to honestly ask ourselves and do some serious examinations.

Proverbs 23 tells us “So as a man thinketh in his heart, so is he”. So what is it you think about? What is it that you talk most about?

Do you talk more about your job than God? Maybe it’s your hobbies or your possessions that dominate your conversations. Where does your mind reside? (Have you taken that deep breath and swallowed hard yet?) I know this is not an easy thing for anyone to deal with. If you read the list above, where are you at?

1 John 5:4 For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.

Let’s cover just one topic in the list: our decision-making. Is your decision-making based on the will of God? You might ask, “how do I know?” You must know God’s Word and have an intimate relationship with God to know His will! Are my decisions based on God’s Word or my own heart?

In all honesty, they should be the same if I am serving God! A wise man seeks the counsel of God in all his decisions. Solomon did.

He knew he would need to make many important decisions and so he prayed and asked God for wisdom! When was the last time you prayed for wisdom?

There is an old saying, “haste makes waste”. Boy, oh, boy, there is a lot of wisdom in the simple statement! If we allow ourselves to be hasty in our decision-making then that decision is all too often wasteful in one aspect or another.

The fact is that God belongs in every single aspect of our lives, WITH NO EXCEPTION! It burdens my heart to know that this just isn’t true for most, and they don’t even understand the judgment they bring on themselves by not seeking God in everything.

By poor decision-making we can align ourselves with evil and not with God, thereby placing ourselves in a position of being judged.

Now, before I write this final segment, let me say this, DO NOT run from conviction. You cannot escape conviction and running only prolongs the problem!

Want an example? A couple of years ago, I spoke on the subject I’m about to cover. Most who heard agreed completely, but a couple became angered.

Let’s say you are a person with a compassionate heart, and your compassion causes you to become misguided in your decision-making by becoming hasty or emotional; not contemplating the will of God.

Using your emotions, a smooth talking devil comes along speaking of taking care of people and doing for these and those and it all sounds good to you, but this person supports abortion—the murdering of unborn children—and is running for office.

You vote for this person because they have deceived you by playing on your emotions and using your compassion against you.

Do you not realize that, by supporting this evil person, you have become complicit in the eyes of God for the murder of every child aborted! Oh, yes, I know these are harsh realities, but realities nonetheless! If you read the back of the Book, you will find that when Jesus comes back at the end of the tribulation all the Saints (those that are His) will come back as rulers and judges.

Yes, rulers and judges. The aborted children are the purest in Heaven and they (all of them) will testify against their murderers at the Great White Throne judgment!

Like I said, read the back of the Book, do some study and you will see for yourself. We may not understand God’s will but we have to comply. At this point I want you to understand if you feel convicted right now, don’t get angry.

Get on your knees and repent! Even the evil king Ahab was spared God’s judgment when he repented. So repent and serve the Lord God!

I pray that we all found some conviction in this writing and that we all run to the Lord in repentance. I pray that through that we all find favor in the eyes of the Lord our God.


Kenneth Kellar -- A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple