A Vision

I was traveling and passed by a small country church for some reason that church caught my eye. I went on to my destination and settled in, a few days later it was Sunday morning and I felt the need to drive back up the road several miles and go to that little church I had seen.

As I pulled up and parked there were folks in the parking lot standing around visiting. No one spoke to me and as I went in I realized this was a one room building only the sanctuary. I sat in the back pew close to the door and waited.

After a few hymns the preacher entered and walked to the podium. I noticed that he looked weary and tired and worn out. I described it as bone-tired.

The preacher opened his Bible and looked out across the congregation, he stayed silent for a moment, eyes fixed on the members. He then closed his Bible and spoke these words.

You all just go ahead and sleep with whoever you want to sleep with, go ahead and cheat, and steal,and lie, and be dishonest in your dealings.

Because today I give you to God, today you will answer to Him. You can reap whatever He has for you because today I hand you over to God!

The preacher picked up his Bible and walked out.

That was my vision.

The people that call themselves by His name the name above all others better come to an understanding of who God truly is, not just the loving God but the jealous and wrathful and vengeful Side of God.

They must understand it was the Lord that rained fire and brimstone from Heaven on the plain where Sodom and Gomorrah stood!