Troubles and Solution

It seems I have conversations very often on some aspect of, or the entire subject of the great decline we are observing in society. Subjects range from the declination of attendance in churches. (self-inflicted in my opinion) the economy, the support of evil and insanity and many other topics.

Today we see not only our nation but several nations call good evil and evil good.(a warning given in the scriptures) I’ve had these conversations with preachers, teachers, missionaries, and the unsaved. All have a common denominator, outward focus on problems.

Don’t get me wrong I don’t have expectations from the lost to understand, but we should all expect better from the saved! In the  50’s and 60’s the church changed to focus from a wide spectrum duty to primarily evangelical endeavors leaving a gap.

Don’t misunderstand me, evangelism is important and spoken in the Great Commission, but there is far more that must be done.

We see those outside things like corrupt leaders, mass violence, economic woes, wars and rumors of wars and we feel helpless and overwhelmed.

When in fact as Christians we should pluck the log from our own eye before we worry about the splinter from our neighbors eye. (Matthew 7:5) It appears to me that Christians are failing to understand that there must be inward focus as well as having a heart to spread the Gospel.

We must continually train to be better Christians! To focus on plucking the log from our own eye first!

We have been given the solution to all of today's problems, a way that will repair and defeat all this evil, greed, and debauchery we see in the world. That solution is simple and laid out perfectly in the Word of God, it is a promise!

If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and seek My face and pray and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from Heaven and I will heal their land! (2 Chronicles 7:14) that IS the Solution! Period!

But in today's time we think more of ourselves than we ought. Focusing outwards instead of humbling ourselves before our God and having a servant heart.

The book of James begins “James a bond servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ ''this should be our mindset, this should be a great desire in the hearts of every and all Christians to be referred to as a bond servant of God and of the Lord Jesus Christ!

But as I stated far too many think far too much of themselves than they ought and in doing so would not even consider being a servant to God or any other than themselves. Pridefulness and haughty spirits seem to prevail in the Christian community, and you don’t have to look far to see it.

But again, that outward focus is what got us into this mess. If I strive to be God's servant and humble myself, and my brothers and sisters do the same then as the hymn says if we turn our eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face then the things of earth will grow strangely dim in the light of His Glory and Grace.

We have been granted a solution, the question is will we surrender ourselves to our just service to God?

Kenneth Kellar
A Man Called by God to Teach and Disciple